Contact – English

Opening hours
Check the homepage for the opening hours.

The Noordmolen is open to groups outside the opening hours. The group rate is € 15,= and € 1,= per person with a minimum of € 25.=.

Noordmolen 5
7495 VK Ambt Delden (Hof van Twente)
The Netherlands

Send a message using the form on the right.

Noordmolen Twickel - Parking
Parking is prohibited throughout the Twickel area, including the Noordmolen. Parking is possible in the vicinity of the Noordmolen at the following locations. Disabled persons and the aged are able to park their vehicle by the Noordmolen  parking, but need a parking card available by the millers. The deposit is € 10,=. This will be refunded when the parking card is returned.

Parking location Het Hoogspel:
[free of charge / 1,2 km walk]
Bornsestraat 1
7495 VL  Ambt Delden
The Netherlands

Parking location Twickel Castle:
[€ 2,= / 1,2 km walk]
Twickelerlaan 6
7495 VG  Ambt Delden
The Netherlands

Parking location Noordmolen:
[Prohibited except for as noted above]
Noordmolen 5
7495 VK Ambt Delden
The Netherlands

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